现在正在发生:SPC在美国前线.S. 向贫困宣战




When a jobs program that helps San Antonian's transition out of poverty honors current students in the program who are making great progress in a special event next week, 学生们正在圣. 本周,菲利普学院将首次参与这一活动.

这次活动是第三届年度脱贫庆典, 简称TOP, 并为成员举行 职业成功培训计划 由圣安东尼奥市家庭援助部门管理. While TOP takes place 6月 28 in the Claude Black 社区 Center where case workers also counsel students in the program, 视频将于本周(6月20日至21日,时间为1:30-2:30)在圣. 菲利普学院位于卫生专业中心,圣. 菲利普学院西南校区和圣. 菲利普学院商业驾驶执照实验室. 准备从事电工工作的学生, 卡车司机, 护士, 还有空调, radiology and physical therapy technicians are making the videos to spread messages of hope and confidence with their peers.

Minerva Hernandez is program manager for Training for Job Success at the City of 圣安东尼奥.

"We are an anti-poverty program and we are highlighting our fight against poverty during our TOP event, to encourage going to school and reducing the barriers on that journey. Some of the students and their case managers---eight-to-ten students and some of our seven managers who have students at the campuses---will be present for the videos, which are being shot on-campus after the students have focused on their labs for the day,埃尔南德斯说.

“我们有不少学生, we pay for tuition and textbook assistance to help students transition out of poverty. They complete their programs on different tracks that are approximately two years, 从而获得学位和证书. We monitor them for 90 days through gainful employment, providing resources to do that. 我们看到了学生们的不同, 从挣扎到危机, 从最初赚5美元开始,到每年挣40美元,作为项目的校友. It's a long term case management program and we are a support program for the student through an understanding with 阿拉莫大学, 类似于QUEST项目,埃尔南德斯说.

"Our program funding is through a grant that originates from the 向贫困宣战, a community services block grant that helps people transition out of poverty," Hernandez said of the funding that began in 1964 with then-President Lyndon B. 约翰逊的经济机会法案在美国的立法.S. 向贫困宣战. “我们的个案工作者做了很多外联工作, to persons living and earning 125 percent or below the federal poverty guidelines. Not only do we help the individual, but we also help the extended family household. We can see them all fully thrive at the end of our two years with them. 他们是为下一步做好准备的人。.

“在TOP活动期间, we will get a chance to hear stories of success from students enrolled in the program. 对一些学生来说,我们的项目是他们唯一的支持. 我们成为了他们的支持系统,我们想为他们庆祝. 当我们开始研究的时候, we thought it would be nice to give others an opportunity to see how we continue to fight the fight. 这就是我们制作视频的原因。.

“我们在圣何塞大学的校园里做了很多外联工作. 菲利普的大学, so we know when they have orientations and we respond when they invite our staff to speak to their students during those sessions. 我们也会从那里招募新人, 还有那些打电话来的人, but the main way they come in to the program is through our outreach initiatives. 大约60%的学生就读于圣. 菲利普的大学, and we are trying to recruit more for those professions studied there. We have someone enrolled in the Diesel and the aviation programs at St. 菲利普的大学 and two or more in HVAC, one of whom is a part-time boxer. We also have about 12 enrolled in the college's Commercial Driver's License program," Hernandez said.

至于视频,这远不止是拍摄的乐趣. 它描绘的是真实的生活, 在社区中实时获得更好的工作, by featuring students enrolled in a program where they are fighting for a better tomorrow through higher education---and jobs.

“我们以前没有这样做过, 但如果我们要庆祝他们的成功, it's important to capture them on video and put it all together as best we can to document our initiative and resolve to fight the war on poverty,埃尔南德斯说.

有关该项目的详细信息,请致电210-207-5917与埃尔南德斯联系, 密涅瓦.hernandez@sanantonio.政府.